Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thoughts Have Mass

Besides content, thoughts have physical characteristics that are of interest to note. These characteristics will lead us to understanding thoughts in a new way.

A surprising characteristic of thought is that thoughts have mass. Yes that's right mass, like a car has mass, just a lot less.

The mass of a thought can be measured by a device know as a Wheatstone bridge. This device measures electrical resistance. If you hook a person up to a Wheatstone bridge they will register an electrical resistance. Ask the person to think a thought and the resistance changes. The electrical resistance changes because there is an increase in mass.

Even more interesting is that different thoughts have different amount of mass. If the person on the Wheatstone bridge is asked to think a thought the device measures not only a change in mass but a rate of change. You can then ask the person to think of other thoughts and then think of the first thought again. An observer of the device can tell when a person thinks the same thought again because the identical pattern will be shown on the Wheatstone bridge.

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